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Messege at Archie's voicemail

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Messege at Archie's voicemail Empty Messege at Archie's voicemail

Post  Doug_Walsh Mon Jan 26, 2009 2:47 pm

Those who can access it will hear:
Shite archeh, I think I got inta' trouble mate, Freddie didnt pick up when I called him, his cell was off, after I got shot at the protest in Jefferson Motel, some yellow ragged spics started to pick on me and ruby, so I started to curse them cunts, anyways, I got hunted by 'em afterwards, so I will be on me safehouse fa'now, untill you guys will help me out. I hope to hear from ya lads as soon as possible, if ya didnt recognize me voice yet, its Torch. Keep'n touch.


Posts : 14
Join date : 2009-01-04

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