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[Open to all] Arrival

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[Open to all] Arrival Empty [Open to all] Arrival

Post  Eric <3 Sun Jan 18, 2009 11:33 am

It had been some time. It was currently autumn, and the brown, orange, and yellow leaves fell from the trees onto his grave. Such a shame. A good lad, brought down by his own hand. The white marble glistened in the sunlight, and if one were to step close, and take a peek, you could make out the inscription upon his headstone.

"Zane Chambers - May you ride swiftly on an angel's wings"

[.A few weeks after the funeral]

Ian walked slowly down the street. A pair of pure white sneaks sat on his feet, bluejeans to his waist, and a grey hoodie. His fishing cap atop his head. With hands shoved deep within his pockets, he continued his walk. It seemed as if he'd been walking for days on end. He wasn't tired. The passing of his cousin had taken its toll on him. Zane was more than that to him. Zane was a father to Ian. His passing, though, rendered Ian oblivious to all happenings-on. He didn't cry. His face was somber, and it seemed as though no expression would be found within him.

He made his way down the street, a convenient store in sight. Slowly he drug a hand from his pocket and moved it to his back, the cold steel made his fingers twitch, the iciness of the gun sending chills through his body. He cocked it, and made his way into the store. Naught but the cashier was there.

For a brief moment, Ian had flashbacks. To his childhood, events throughout his life, and if one were able to look closer... a small tear formed in his left eye, and strolled carelessly down his chin and fell upon the floor. He fired. The cashier was dead. He didn't know he was going to kill this man, nor did he know... much of anything at the time. He placed the gun on the counter and lifted his cellphone.


"Police. I've killed a man in the second degree. I'm at 312 Charleston Avenue, Convenient Store 11. I'm waiting to be detained."

[.Voicemail of Archie]
"I dunno what I was thinking Arch... I'm going to prison. Can you arrange a way for me to get out?
I may be able to do it myself. I'm not sure.

This is "Duke", call me in prison

((I dunno. Thought this sounded pretty cool. If ya wanna get in on it, go on ahead.
I'm re-introducing Ian "Duke" Cromwell into the Synd. Cheers.))

Eric <3

Posts : 16
Join date : 2008-12-16

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[Open to all] Arrival Empty Re: [Open to all] Arrival

Post  McLane Thu Jan 22, 2009 7:31 am

Jason "Jase" Mclane jogs in to Archie's, clicking the voicemail-taker, he then listens to the voicemail and picks up his cell, typing in Archie's number. "Arch', who the fack's "Duke"? He's gettin' put in sum' prison shit."

Posts : 26
Join date : 2008-12-13

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